The Vital Role of Tummy Time in Baby’s Natural Development

For parents who lean towards natural health, understanding the importance of tummy time for infants can be a game-changer. At HPC Chiropractic, our ethos revolves around holistic health practices, placing utmost importance on natural developmental milestones, especially in the early years of life. Tummy time, a simple yet profound activity, takes centre stage in our recommendations.

What Exactly is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is a dedicated session where babies lie on their tummies, alert and active, for brief intervals. These sessions are integral for several reasons, primarily because they fortify neck, shoulder, and arm muscles. Beyond muscle strengthening, tummy time is the playground where babies hone their motor skills – think rolling over, propping themselves up, and initiating crawling.

Engaging Their Senses and Strengthening Bonds

This position offers a sensory-rich environment. Exploring varied textures, toy interactions, and direct eye contact with caregivers feed vital sensory information, shaping their body consciousness and sensory development. It’s also an intimate moment, solidifying the unique bond between baby and parent.

Countering Flat Head Syndrome

A significant health benefit of tummy time is its role in preventing flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly). Babies, when resting too long on their backs, can develop a flat or misshapen region on their head. Regular belly-down periods counteract this, fostering a natural, rounded head contour.

Boosting Visual and Thought Processes

From their belly, babies get a fresh view of the world. Whether it’s a captivating toy, their reflection, or a parent’s reassuring gaze, these visual experiences refine their cognitive processes and visual tracking skills.

Fuelling Major Motor Skills

As babies exert effort to push up, lift their head, or roll, they energise their arms, shoulders, and upper torso. These motions are foundational, setting the stage for bigger milestones like crawling and standing unaided.

Cultivating Core Strength

Amid these sessions, core muscles are at work. The neck, back, and shoulder muscles come into play, gearing up for future activities like sitting without support, crawling, and eventually walking.

Tummy time isn’t merely a fun activity—it’s a transformative phase in a baby’s holistic developmental journey. Begin with short spans, extending as your baby grows in confidence. Always prioritise safety—ensure they’re awake, constantly supervised, and on a firm surface. By endorsing tummy time, you’re not only promoting natural health but setting the tone for countless developmental wonders in your child’s future.


Are you interested in learning Tummy Time for your baby or want more information?

Join us at HPC Chiropractic for our Lift Off workshop.

Lift Off – A developmental workshop for making tummy time easy!

This developmental workshop is perfect for new parents. Learn how to achieve appropriate tummy time for your baby and support their development by learning the how and why behind tummy time.

Practice 5 different tummy time positions
Learn how tummy time encourages sleep
The link between tummy time and tone
Learn about how much tummy time is needed
Troubleshoot and find solutions for your baby specifically