What Is The Positive Birth Program?

The Positive Hypnobirthing Program is a comprehensive approach to education in childbirth that focuses on promoting relaxation, reducing fear, and enhancing a couples or woman’s empowerment during the birthing process.

This approach is rooted in the philosophy that birth is natural and beautiful, and with helpful techniques, mindset and support, it can be a positive and transformative experience for both the birthing mother and their partner.

Having a baby is one of the biggest things that the human body goes through, which is just incredible. If we were to put our body through a huge sporting event we would need to prepare physically and mentally, and it helps if we approach birth in the same way.

Knowledge Is Power

We know from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that birth trauma is rising and interventions during labour are now above the recommended standard set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

If we have good knowledge around birth and what to expect, then fear around birth reduces and this in itself allows empowered and informed birth decisions.

Partner Involvement

Birth partners can be so key to one of the most important days of your life! This course is just as informative for birthing partners, including how to calm and emotionally support a birthing mother, get you on the same page, and give the birthing partner tools to help the mother birth.


Prepare For Birth

In this course you will learn what to expect with birth, effective birthing positions, techniques, and work through any fears and gain a centered mindset.

Learn Hypnobirthing

There are no pendulums and clucking like chickens in our classes like people would often misunderstand from the name hypnobirthing. Quite the opposite in fact!

We will be teaching both partners how to get into a deep state of relaxation that assists in reducing the perception of pain during labour and delivery. Everything is within your own control at all times.

Aim For A Positive Birth Experience

Too often we hear horror stories around birth. We aim to support you no matter what decisions you’ve made around birth or what medical situations you have.

A positive birth experience is what is positive for you and no one else, it is completely personal.